Showing posts from December, 2013Show all
Day 31 It’s The Last Day Of The Year.  Write About Your Favorite And Least Favorite Memory Of This Year.
Day 30: Recall something from your childhood and write about it.
Day 29: Write About SomethingSomeone You Can’t Live Without.
Day 28 : Write About Your Favorite Memory.
Day 27 | Write A Letter To Your reflection on the mirror.
Day 26 : Write about your worst habit.
Day 25 : If Your Could MeetHave One Fictional Character Fall In Love With You, Who Would It Be
7 months away from vexation
Day 24: Write About Your Day.
Day 23: Write About One Of Your Guilty Pleasures.
Christmas Break To-Do-List
Day 22 : Write about the longest amount of time you’ve ever gone without sleeping.
Day 21 : Write about the longest amount of time you’ve ever gone without sleeping.
Day 19 : What is your favourite music video
Day 18 : Write About Your Favorite Movie, Song, Food, Color, Animal.
Day 17 : Pretend you’re a cartoon character.  What type of a character would you be  What would a day in your life be like
Day 16 : What Is Your Biggest Fear
Day 15 : Write a letter to your favorite artists.
Day 14 – Explain What Your Favorite Holiday Is, And Why.
Day 13 – Write About Something That Happened To You This Week.
Day 12 – A picture of your hand writing and talk about it.
Day 20 : What Are Your Hobbies  Why Do You Like Them
Day 11 - If you could go on only one more vacation in your lifetime, where would you go and why
Yearning For Christmas Break ( Day 10 – Free Day)
Day 9 - What is your favorite day of the week